WHAT WE DO Motorart is a trademark owned by Brandon. Under the Motorart brand, Brandon manufactures, markets and sells authentically detailed scale models to companies such as Volvo, JCB and New Holland.
HOW DO WE DO IT With skilled engineers to produce high quality, detailed models in our factories.
WHERE DO WE DO IT B2B. Direct contact with the purchaser. Contact with the purchaser via merchandise partner. Agents, collectors networks and retailers the world over.
SUCCESSES For each individual customer we investigate their needs first and then come up with a suggestion to make the "package" successful for them. To be able to do this, we use all tools, which the outside market can give them, to promote their products in new ways, that have not been used before.
Since 1974 Motorart is experienced in the scale model branch when one of us started up by selling scale models. This gave us an outstanding knowledge, of what is possible, to develope the most spectacular ideas. Today we have very skilled engineers to produce high quality, detailed models in our factories in China, Japan and Europe. This enables us to get the absolute best product as well as most economical business solution for each individual customer. Futhermore have we developed a global dealernet to promote our customer´s products worldwide.
THE COMPANY Motorart is a trademark owned by Brandon AB, which today manufactures, markets and sells authentically detailed scale models of vehicles to companies, collectors' networks and retailers the world over.
Brandon AB headquarter is located in Göteborg, Sweden.